How can last a wine?


winery_wineKnowing how much can last a wine in optimal conditions for consumption is an important issue to consider for any oenophile and especially for those who have a small winery.

The issue is complex, since wine can evolve for better or worse over time depending on the conditions under which has been preserved, the process of development and many other factors.

Since the wine is bottled and until it is ready to be enjoyed can improve during some time. The optimum time of consumption is when it has reached its maturity or maximum balance. From that moment begins to deteriorate, it loses strength and can reach to turn sour.


Although each wine has its own life cycle, it is possible to make some general approaches on the maximum duration of a bottle from the moment that we keep in our warehouse, taking into account that is kept in the right conditions.

Overall, the quality of sparkling wine, white wine young, the young red wine and rose wine are kept in good condition 1 to 3 years maximum. When white wine is aged in wood can last up to five years.

The longer you have been the wine barrel, the greater its lifecycle. Thus, aging red wine has a somewhat longer life, which can be up to 6 years; reserve red wine stored until 8 years and a large reserve can last 10 or more years, depending on their characteristics.

However, as the preservation of wine is not an exact science the only way to know if a bottle is at its optimum consumption time it is uncork it and test it.

From the moment we tasted the wine and uncork the question of how much wine can be kept after opening arises us.

From the time a bottle is opened a process of oxidation begins to occur. The oxygen in small doses helps the wine age but the more time passes in contact with air worse evolves. Furthermore, many of the components volatilize wine.

The main recommendation is to use a vacuum pump to remove air from the bottle and keep it tightly covered in the fridge , always upright. The cold makes the process of oxidation is slower.

In general, white wine, rose wine and red wine aged lasts about 3 days. The young red wine lasts up to a week because oxidizes more slowly to contain more tannin.

Finally, a sparkling wine must not keep more than a day or half a day, always with a special cap to this type of wine.

Now you know the times of wine conservation?

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